
The Foundation

The G.B. Bietti Foundation for Study and Research in Ophthalmology was founded in 1984 on the initiative of some students of Prof. Giovan Battista Bietti. A few years after his untimely death, the students wanted to collect his academic and human heritage, academic and human heritage, starting the activities of a Foundation in his name that had the purpose of developing and guaranteeing high levels of skills and knowledge in the field of ophthalmology, making them available to citizens and the National Health Service. The G.B. Bietti Foundation is dedicated to scientific research in areas of particular social interest that fall within the field of ophthalmological disciplines. In particular, the Foundation conducts and disseminates scientific studies that broaden the horizon of ophthalmological knowledge and care while promoting improvements in ophthalmological diagnostics and rehabilitation and stimulating the adoption and dissemination of good prevention practices. All in pursuit of social goals.

The G.B. Bietti Foundation today

As in the past, the G.B. Bietti Foundation, which has its registered office in Rome, Via Livenza no. 3, continues to play a fundamental role in the Italian research landscape, having collaborations with leading Italian, European and worldwide universities and institutes.

The Foundation, in the person of President Prof. Mario Stirpe, played a key role in defining the problem of corneal transplantation, which, in 1993, was only carried out abroad with very high expenses by the National Health Service. In June 1993, thanks to a hearing in the Chamber ordered by the G.B. Bietti Foundation, its President urged the need for an immediate amendment of the law. This was carried out two months later, separating the regulations relating to the graft of corneal tissue from those governing organ transplants.

A scientific and civil achievement that allowed the creation of the Eye Bank of Lazio at the Azienda Ospedaliera San Giovanni Addolorata, in partnership with the G.B. Bietti Foundation.

The G.B. Bietti Foundation recognized as IRCCS

The documented clinical-scientific activity of excellence and the recognized role in the national and international scientific community have led the Ministry of Health to recognize the G.B. Bietti Foundation, the only example in Italy, as a “Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalization and Healthcare” (IRCCS) for the discipline of “Ophthalmology“.

By virtue of the collaboration established with the high-specialized and well-known Azienda Ospedaliera San Giovanni Addolorata for the management of the Eye Bankthe innovative idea was born to bring within the public Azienda Ospedaliera the welfare structure and research laboratories of the private IRCCS, in order to fulfill the mission of IRCCS as well as of ONLUS: to provide resources and clinical-scientific activity for the benefit of the National Health Service.