The Foundation
The G.B. Bietti Foundation for Study and Research in Ophthalmology was founded in 1984 on the initiative of some students of Prof. Giovan Battista Bietti. A few years after his untimely death, students wanted to collect his academic and human heritage, starting the activities of a Foundation in his name that had the purpose of developing and guaranteeing high levels of skills and knowledge in the field of ophthalmology, making them available to citizens and the National Health Service. The G.B. Bietti Foundation is dedicated to scientific research in areas of particular social interest that fall within the field of ophthalmological disciplines. In particular, the Foundation conducts and disseminates scientific studies that broaden the horizon of ophthalmological knowledge and care while promoting improvements in ophthalmological diagnostics and rehabilitation and stimulating the adoption and dissemination of good prevention practices.

The G.B. Bietti Foundation today
As in the past, the G.B. Bietti Foundation, which has its registered office in Rome Via Livenza no. 3, continues to play a fundamental role in the Italian research landscape, with collaborations with leading Italian, European and worldwide universities and institutes.
The Foundation, in the person of President Prof. Mario Stirpe, played a key role in defining the problem of corneal transplantation, which, in 1993, was still carried out abroad, with very high expenses by the National Health Service. In June 1993, thanks to a hearing in the Chamber ordered by the G.B. Bietti Foundation, its President urged the need for an immediate amendment of the law. This was carried out two months later, separating the regulations relating to the graf of corneal tissue from those governing organ transplants.
A scientific and civil achievement that allowed the creation of the Eye Bank of Lazio at the Azienda Ospedaliera San Giovanni Addolorata, in partnership with the G.B. Bietti Foundation.
What is an IRCCS
The definition of IRCCS – Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalization and Healthcare – has been given by Legislative Decree 288/2003 which indicates it as “Entities of national importance endowed with autonomy and legal personality that, according to standards of excellence, pursue research purposes, mainly translational, in the biomedical field and in that of the organization and management of health services, together with hospitalization and high specialty care services“.It is, therefore, a public or private health facility, which combines diagnosis, care and clinical research. These institutes, by virtue of their contribution to the country’s research, receive public funding.
The G.B. Bietti Foundation recognized as IRCCS
The G.B. Bietti Foundation for Study and Research in Ophthalmology ONLUS, a non-profit organization established in 1984 and legally recognized by the President of the Italian Republic, has been officially recognized by the Ministry of Health as a Scientific Institute for the discipline of Ophthalmology at the British Hospital – Azienda Ospedaliera San Giovanni Addolorata by the ministerial decree of 15 February 2005 (Official Gazette No. 50 of 2 March 2005), confirmed by decree of 2 May 2011 signed by the Minister of Health Ferruccio Fazio in agreement with the President of the Lazio Region Renata Polverini (Official Gazette No. 120 of 25 May 2011), and further confirmed by Beatrice Lorenzin (Official Gazette No.301 of 29.12.2015).
A recognition that was possible thanks to the documented clinical-scientific activity of excellence that led the G.B Bietti Foundation to be a reference point in the national and international scientific community.
The Quality System of the IRCCS G.B. Bietti Foundation complies with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard for the “Design and implementation of scientific research activities and related publications in the ophthalmological field, design and delivery of courses in the ECM field“.
Moreover, the IRCCS has been recognised as a European Centre of Excellence for Clinical Trials by EVICR.net (European Vision Institute Clinical Research Network) in Coimbra, Portugal.
The role of IRCCS in the Regional Health Plan
The Regional Health Plan 2010-2012 specifies that IRCCS are called upon to play an important role in the development of the Regional Health Service at different levels:
- continuous training for the staff of the Regional Health Service providing ECM courses aimed both at training on new introductory interventions, and on the methodology of evaluation of interventions and health research;
- evaluation of new technologies, new preventive interventions and new organisational models;
- development of research on methodological and organizational aspects with a high level of transferability to other structures of the Regional Health Service with the construction of research networks at regional level integrated with national and international ones;
- support for Regional Health Service activities that require high specialization with the possibility of carrying out technical support function and/or reference center for surveillance and control activities;
- function as a reference centre in the context of regional programming in “hub and spoke” network systems.
The IRCCS Foundation G.B. Bietti is assigned by the Lazio Region the code 913 as a company and the code 120913 as an institute (Prot. no. 1151314 A/012123 of 27/09/2005).
IRCCS confirmation procedure
The recognition of the scientific nature of public and private structures takes place with reference to one or more thematic areas, referred to in Annex 1 of Legislative Decree no. 200/2022 and is subject to the possession, based on a valid title, of the following requirements:
- legal personality under public or private law
- health authorisation and accreditation holders
- cost-effectiveness and efficiency of the organization, quality of structures and technological level of equipment, adequacy of the organizational structure with respect to research purposes and economic, financial and patrimonial balance, as well as at least 35 percent of researchers with a subordinate employment contract according to the national collective labour contract of public and/or private health. For the purposes of calculating this percentage, personnel dedicated to health care as well as personnel posted exclusively on the basis of agreements with Universities are not calculated
- characteristics of excellence of the level of hospitalization and high specialty care activity directly carried out in the last three years, namely of the technical-scientific contribution provided, within the framework of a nationally and internationally recognized biomedical research activity, in order to ensure a higher quality of care activity, attested by public structures of the National Health Service, the complexity of the services provided, the structural characteristics, the volume and type of activities and the care path, as well as the qualification of clinical – care reference center at the regional or supra-regional level for the thematic area to which it belongs
- characteristics of excellence of the research activity carried out in the last three years in relation to the specific discipline assigned according to internationally recognized bibliometric systems
- demonstrated ability to network with research institutes in the same area of reference, to collaborate with other public and private bodies, as well as to prove the number of multicentre clinical trials and the number of participations in Community call for bids
- quality certification of services according to internationally recognized procedures. (art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 288 of 16 October 2003 and subsequent amendments and additions)
- pursuant to Article 13, Legislative Decree no. 288/2003 and subsequent amendments, the status of reference centre at regional or supra-regional level for the thematic area for which recognition is requested, as better specified in Annex 3 of Legislative Decree 200/2022, as well as the existence of the minimum catchment area on a territorial basis by thematic area of recognition, as identified in Annex 2 of the aforementioned legislative decree.
The procedure for confirming the scientific nature is regulated pursuant to art. 15, paragraph 1, according to which every four years the IRCCS Foundations, the unprocessed Institutes and the IRCCS under private law send to the Ministry of Health their updated data certifying the permanence of the legal requirements, in accordance with the provisions of Annex B to the Ministerial Decree of 5 February 2015.
The G.B. Bietti Foundation accredited with the National Health Service
The Foundation/IRCCS has carried out its care activities in agreement with the Regional Health Service since 2005, first at the S. Pietro Fatebenefratelli Hospital, managing the accredited beds made available by the latter, then from 2008 to 2012, by virtue of specific conventional acts, at the San Giovanni Addolorata British Hospital. Subsequently, the IRCCS G.B. Bietti Foundation with a specific agreement between the Lazio Region and the aforementioned Company, since 2017 has undertaken a specific path that involved the restructuring and leasing of a wing of the British Hospital (block B, plan T, 1, 2, 3) in addition to Block C (plan –1) dedicated to research. Upon completion of the work in 2021, all the documentation for obtaining the authorization to operate and institutional accreditation was prepared and sent, and, after the verification and inspections phase, the authorization and institutional accreditation title was issued on April 5, 2022, with the resolution of the Regional Council of Lazio no. 164. From December 1, 2022, the new Ophthalmological Centre for care activities was activated under the ordinary and daytime continuous cycle of hospital admission for acute as well as outpatient care, becoming a full member of the national and regional health service.
The new configuration of the Ophthalmological Center, with an area of approximately 1600 square meters divided over four floors for care and translational research activities, therefore includes over 18 visiting and diagnostic environments, spaces for ordinary hospitalization and day hospital/day surgery, 1 operating room, 1 PC1 and 1 PC2 and more than 530 square meters dedicated to the basic research laboratory.
Scientific research, welfare activities and attention to socially sensitive issues constitute the activities of general interest carried out by the Foundation for the pursuit of the statutory purpose. In this sense, the Entity’s mission is expressed synergistically through the integration and development of all three of its components, aiming to increasingly tighten the link between care and research activities, guaranteeing quality, originality, innovation and transferability to clinical practice of laboratory results.