Dr. Bruno Marisa

Medical activity: Works at IRCCS G.B. Bietti in the offices Via Livenza, 3 and Via di santo Stefano Rotondo 6, at Presidio Ospedaliero Britannico, Rome
Scientific publication : PubMed
E-mail: marisa.bruno@fondazionebietti.it
- 2021: First level Master “New techniques and strategies of visual rehabilitation“
- 2019: Advanced course in Low Vision and Adult Visual Enabling. “Qualified expert in low vision” at the International School of Optics and Low Vision in Florence with the issue of certified certification
- 2004: Specialization in Ophthalmology, at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart – “A. Gemelli”
- Polyclinic in Rom), obtained on 11/19/2004 with 50/50 E LODE
- 2000: Degree in Medicine and Surgery, at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart – “A. Gemelli” Catholic University of Rome, achieved in the autumn session with points 102/110 June 1992: Diploma of Classical Maturity with 51/60 vote
7/1/2020: Medical Director at the British Presidium – IRCCS foundation G.B. Bietti’s role
2016 -2019: Medical Director at the British Presidium – IRCCS Fondazione G.B. Bietti with contract of continuous collaboration
2014-2017: coordinator of the Scientific Committee at the Sant’Alessio-Margherita di Savoia Center
P.R.I.S.M.A. Association
Choroidal Abnormalities in Pediatric NF1: A Cohort Natural History Study Eleonora Cosmo ,Luisa Frizziero, Giacomo Miglionico , Chiara Sofia De Biasi , Marisa Bruno, Eva Trevisson ,Ilaria Gabbiato ,Giulia Midena and Raffaele Parrozzani. Cancers 2022, 14(6), 1423; https://doi.org/10.3390/cancers14061423