Dr. Cecere Michela

Medical activity: Works at IRCCS G.B. Bietti in the offices Via Livenza, 3 and Via di santo Stefano Rotondo 6, at Presidio Ospedaliero Britannico, Rome
Scientific publication : PubMed
She graduated with honors in Medicine and Surgery at the “Sapienza University of Rome” in 2010.
After a training period at the Day-Hospital and the Special Ocular Immunovirology Service at the Policlinico Umberto I in Rome, she specialized in ophthalmology with honors in 2016.
From 2022 researcher at the Oncology and Ocular Toxicology Unit of the G.B. Foudation Bietti.
From 2017 researcher at the G.B. Foundation Bietti under the supervision of the professor Stirpe. Activities and responsibilities:
Research program on screening, diagnostics and surgical treatment of complex retinal and choroidal disorders evaluating the surgical techniques applied.
From 2016 medical practise, as freelancer, in Tuscany and Lazio.
SIUMIO – Italian Society for Uveitis and Ocular Inflammatory Diseases
SOI – Italian Ophthalmological Society
- From May 2012 to June 2016: sub-investigator in the multicentre clinical trial of Abbvie for the evaluation of the efficacy and safety of the human anti-TNF adalimumab monoclonal antibody in patients suffering from intermediate, posterior uveitis or non-infectious panuveitis (study M10-880 and study M11-327).
- From May 2014 to June 2016: role of sub-investigator in interdepartmental experimentation “Ocular biomarkers in the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment: correlation with hippocampal volumetry MRI and disease specifying markers in the cerebrospinal fluid”.
- The prophylaxis of fellow-eye retinal detachment in Stickler Syndrome: a retrospective series. Ripandelli G, Ross T., Pesci FR, Cecere M., Stirpe M. Retina. 2022 Feb 1;42(2):250-255.
- Cataract Surgery in HIV Seropositive Patients: Long-Term Follow-Up. Accorinti M., Cecere M., Scala A., Pirraglia M.P. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 2018 Jan 15:1-12.
- Retinal nerve fibre layer thickness changes in Alzheimer’s disease: Results from a 12-month prospective case series. Trebbastoni A., D’Antonio F., Bruscolini A., Marcelli M, Cecere M, Campanelli A, Imbriano L, de Lena C, Gharbiya M. Neurosci Lett. 2016 Aug 26;629:165-170. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2016.07.006. Epub 2016 Jul 6.
- Levofloxacin and tobramycin for severe bacterial keratitis. Accorinti M., Colao L., Gilardi M., Cecere M., Salotti A., Pesci F.R. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 2015 Jul 14:1-7.
- Correlation between spectral-domain optical coherence tomography findings and visual outcome after primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment repair. Gharbiya M., Grandinetti F., Scavella V., Cecere M., Esposito M., Segnalini A., Gabrieli CB. Retina. 2012 Jan;32(1):43-53
- SD-OCT in un caso di retinocoroidite secondaria a sifilide. Cecere M., Gharbiya M., Lenzi T., Russo P., Moramarco A. Euvision. 2011 vol 4-26-31
- Granulomatosi di Wegener: manifestazioni oculari e trattamento. Cecere M., Russo P., Lenzi T., Gharbiya M., Moramarco A. La medicina contemporanea. Anno XXVIII, n.1 – 2011; 5-8.
- Arterite a cellule giganti o temporale: manifestazioni oculari. Cecere M., Lenzi T., Russo P., Gharbiya M., Moramarco A. La medicina contemporanea. Anno XXVIII, n.1 – 2011; 13-16.
- Manifestazioni oculari nella sindrome di Marfan. Cecere M., Russo P., Lenzi T., Gharbiya M., Moramarco A. La medicina contemporanea. Anno XXVII, n.1 – 2010; 25-28
- Management della cheratite stromale erpetica: terapia standard, ciclosporina A, trapianto di membrana amniotica, vaccino Lupidon-H. Russo P., Cecere M., Lenzi T., Gharbiya M., Moramarco A. La nuova stampa medica italiana. Anno XXXI, n.1 – 2011; 5-10.
- Mieloma multiplo: principali manifestazioni del coinvolgimento orbitario. Russo P., Lenzi T., Cecere M., Gharbiya M., Moramarco A.. La medicina contemporanea. Anno XXXI, n.1 – 2011; 11-14